Brisbane City Council Parking Meter Zones operating times, rates and location description including latitude and longitude.
Additional information on parking meters including a zone map can be found on the
Brisbane City Council website.
Brisbane City Council Parking Meter Zones operating times, rates and location description including latitude and longitude.
The attributes in this dataset are:
- METER_NO – Meter zone number identified on street signs and meter case - used for Mobile Payments and fault reporting.
- CATEGORY – Ticketless Meter Multispace - is where one meter controls multiple spaces, credit card and mobile payments. Pay by mobile APP only - denotes a mobile payment only zone, using CellOPark. Hybrid - A single Meter number has both Ticketless Meter Multispace and Pay by mobile APP spaces.
- STREET – Street name where meter zone is located.
- SUBURB – Suburb boundary that meter is located within.
- MAX_STAY_HRS – The maximum number of hours that a vehicle can stay in the zone without moving away from the street eg :2P means a 2 hour limit applies.
- RESTRICTIONS – Payment restricted hours and conditions eg : clearway or bus zone outside meter operating hours.
- OPERATIONAL_DAY – Days of the week that pay parking operates.
- OPERATIONAL_TIME – Daily operating hours for the meter zone.
- TAR_ZONE – Zones that define what payment is applied to each space, also describes if 15 minute free parking option applies to the spaces in this zone.
- TAR_RATE_WEEKDAY – Hourly tariff rate for weekday hours between 7am-7pm.
- TAR_RATE_AH_WE – Hourly tariff rate for after hour (7pm-10pm) weekday hours, and weekend hours (7am-7pm).
- LOC_DESC – More descriptive location of meter zone.
- VEH_BAYS – Number of car spaces provided per meter zone.
- MC_BAYS – Number of dedicated motorcycle spaces provided per meter zone.
- MC_RATE – Hourly tariff rate for Motorcycles.
- LONGITUDE – Longitude of parking meter unit using coordinate reference system WGS84.
- LATITUDE – Latitude of parking meter unit using coordinate reference system WGS84.
- MOBILE_ZONE – Mobile payment zone number - 7 digits.
- MAX_CAP_CHG – Maximum charge cap for 4 hour meter and greater.